Sunday, June 26, 2011

Players, Owners, Should Think Charity Rather than Profit

Ever think of something great while you’re doing nothing that relates to your thought? When you get that light bulb feel and say to yourself, “Damn.  That just might work.”  Well, that happened to me this morning.

As I was brushing my teeth around 5:30AM this morning, I started thinking about the NFL Lockout for whatever reason.  And I’m sitting there thinking about how it’s been more than three months now.  Or how the talks two weeks ago were heated and how Goodell just proposed a new solution that has everyone buzzing and all of the sudden a solution hit me: GIVE A PORTION OF THE $9 BILLION TO CHARITY!

I’m sure someone has thought of this before, just let me think otherwise.

The NFL preaches charity involvement, so why aren’t they doing it themselves?  It seems like the players just want to get on the field, but the owners are being selfish.  Chad Ochocinco is flying down to Miami to throw with Jacory Harris for God’s sake.  That kid throws it to everyone but his teammates.  But, getting back on track, here’s my solution.  Take the $9 billion being fought over, and divide it into three.  Give the owners $3 billion (that’s $93,750,000 each), give the NFLPA $3 billion, then you give the charities the NFL sponsors the other $3 billion.

If the owners don’t like that solution, if they can’t live with making almost $94,000,000 over the course of three months, if that doesn’t ‘appeal’ to them, then shame on them.

As an NFL fan, I just want to see some football.  Even though I’m more of a college football fan than an NFL fan, I love kicking back with some wings, my boys, and a beer to watch the big boys play on Sunday.  And while it seems like they just want to get to camp, get in the gym together, and welcome another season, I don’t see why my plan couldn’t work.

Although a different deal than mine will obviously be proposed, think about how much $3,000,000,000 could mean to charities across the country.  Or how about taking some of it and building some wells in Africa to solve their clean drinking water problem?  I know they need/want all the money they can get from this $9,000,000,000; but the NFL’s the most popular sport in the world, I’m sure they can spare a few bucks…especially if regular, less wealthy citizens can do it too.

Just think about it.

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