Monday, May 30, 2011

A New Mold Of Fan

Conway, SC—The last time Gumby graced an American television set with a new episode, Ronald Reagan ran this beautiful country. Yet, this winter, the molded clay children’s character resurfaced.

Any college basketball fan can testify to a Gumby sighting amongst random NCAA basketball arenas this season. College students (at least I hope they are college students) are buying Gumby costumes to appear on television camera reels at their schools basketball games. Unfortunately, cameras overlooked the original Gumby this season. He’s nestled right here in Conway.

Coastal Carolina sophomore and Danbury, Connecticut native David Teixeira claims he is the real Gumby.

“Yeah I’m the original, not them,” said Teixeira. “When I saw those kids at the Texas and Ohio State games I was outraged. I’ve been wearing that costume since Halloween 2009!”

Teixeira ventured to Clemson University during his freshman year to witness Coastal Carolina football play the Tigers on Halloween weekend. If the game didn’t blackout on television, the ‘Campus Hero’ title is his 17 months ago. However, it wasn’t televised so the nylon costume returned to the box.

Last month, the real Gumby came to life.

“I heard Coastal was going to be on ESPNU and ESPN2, and I just knew it was my time to shine. It’s not every week we get to play on T.V. so I had to show these imposters who the real Gumby is,” said Teixeira.

Boy, did you show them.

I attended both Big South Conference Tournament games and remember seeing Teixeira a couple of rows down from me; the cameras were glued to him.

Teixeira said, “Multiple family members and friends texted me and sent me pictures of myself going crazy with other students for the game. And to be honest, I was just happy I could fire up the crowd for the games. Chauncey wanted to bring me on court but security wouldn’t let me…typical.”

Teixeira denied any mascot aspirations in his future citing the temperature in the costume as a reason, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Teixeira relieve the current Chauncey of his duties if need be. Teixeira also vowed to attend every single sporting event he can make it to next semester, mainly the football and basketball games.

“The fans deserve it, especially the kids,” said Teixeira. “They were asking me for autographs and pictures. I’ll be at all of the games though. Hopefully security accepts my newfound stardom too, I’d love to get on that field with Chauncey.”

On behalf of Chanticleer fans, we hope they mold you into the community as well.

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